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What is digital transformation?


Although the adoption of digital solutions by companies contributes to their development, it does not allow the implementation of a true digital transformation. This involves, in fact, rethinking your entire company strategy in the light of digital technology. Find out how to truly transform your VSE/SME with digital technology.

Companies tend to dematerialize documents and exchanges rather than carrying out a true digital transformation. Their use of digital tools remains limited and insufficient to allow a real improvement in the functioning of the company and its performance.

Rethinking company strategy with digital

Digital transformation is not limited to modernizing the information system. If this is essential, it also involves rethinking your strategy in the light of digital technology .

Most often, the first instinct of managers who want to transition their VSE/SME to digital is to want to increase profitability, better control their stocks or even have key indicators.

In reality, digital technology , like all major industrial revolutions (steam engine, electricity, etc.) brings new tools that make it possible to innovate and evolve the strategy of companies .

It’s about questioning the way you work today and what innovation could be possible in order to adapt to your environment, to regulatory constraints, to improve the experience of your customers or that of your employees, sell more, reduce your costs, conquer new markets, etc.

This reflection on the performance of your business helps to:

The answers, once formulated, will facilitate the identification of solutions that can be mobilized to fundamentally transform the company.

Digital transformation is nothing more and nothing less than a set of means provided by new technologies to respond to the ambitions, vision, and strategy of business leaders. […] Ultimately, there are as many projects as there are business strategies […]. »

Digitalization sometimes disappointing, due to lack of reflection on strategy

According to the EM Normandie study, in the absence of prior reflection on the evolution of the company’s strategy with digital technology, the perceived advantages of digitalization often remain limited :

This perception of the limited impacts of digital technology by managers does not encourage them to increase their investments.

Many transformation projects fail because they do not adopt an approach truly adapted to the specificities of the company . Failure can also come from the fact that the expected objectives were not defined at the start, or in a way that was too confusing or too distant.

Opt for digital solutions adapted to your business

This preliminary phase of reflection is essential because there is no single recipe for achieving digital transformation. Of course this involves having a website , setting up management tools, or even using data to better manage your business . But the way you are going to use these different solutions will not be the same depending on the context and the problems you face.

Each sector has its own operating logic, and each profession has its own methods, needs and requirements which require specific tools , themselves specifically configured to meet the needs of a specific company.

Generic solutions (website, customer relationship management tool, ERP, etc.) must be adapted to the company’s situation , to offer all the potential they contain. Failure to take into account business specificities most often leads to disappointing results or even failure.

The good news is that many digital solutions, long reserved for large groups, are now accessible to VSEs and SMEs , in particular thanks to the cloud which allows access to an online service, without having to install anything on his computer or server.

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